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Welcome to the EnhanceDocs Documentation, a comprehensive guide for utilizing EnhanceDocs, an Open-source AI-powered search engine specifically designed for your documentation.


Who is EnhanceDocs for?

EnhanceDocs is a versatile tool that caters to a diverse range of users. Here are some of the key groups that can benefit from EnhanceDocs:

Teams of Developers

Developers working in teams often have to manage extensive documentation for various projects. EnhanceDocs helps streamline this process by providing an efficient and user-friendly search engine that allows developers to quickly find relevant information, minimize errors, and improve collaboration.

Open Source Communities

Open source communities thrive on collaboration and sharing of knowledge. EnhanceDocs empowers these communities to easily navigate and extract valuable information from their documentation, fostering a more productive and supportive environment for contributors and maintainers alike.


EnhanceDocs alleviates this problem by providing a natural language approach to searching documentation, making it easier for employees to find the information they need. By reducing the reliance on subject matter experts for information retrieval, EnhanceDocs allows companies to save time, improve efficiency, and ensure that their valuable documentation is fully utilized.

Getting started

EnhanceDocs Managed

We recommend using EnhanceDocs Managed with free tier to get started fast. We have a free tier plan up to 1.000 requests / month which tends to be sufficient for most projects, and if you are running it on an open-source project our Pro plan is FREE. For both cases simply sign up, we take care of the rest.

EnhanceDocs Self-hosted

Alternatively you can run EnhanceDocs Server on your own. Following the Getting started guide.

Source Code and Licence

Additional Resources

Additional collection of resources we think may be useful as you implement EnhanceDocs in your site!

  • Our website: If you want to know more about what we do.
  • Github Discussions: Any questions about EnhanceDocs? Ask the community!
  • Discord: Join us on our Discord to discuss all things EnhanceDocs!