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Integrating with Docusaurus

EnhanceDocs Search and EnhanceDocs Chat are an open-source search and chat components designed for React projects, which can be easily integrated into your Docusaurus site.

Search Installation

To add EnhanceDocs Search to your project, execute the following command:

npm install enhancedocs-search

Adding the Search Component

Create a new file src/theme/SearchBar.js with the following content:

// src/theme/SearchBar.js

import React from 'react';
import EnhancedSearch from 'enhancedocs-search';

import 'enhancedocs-search/dist/style.css';

export default function SearchBarWrapper(props) {
return (
enhancedSearch: {
apiBaseURL: "your_api_base_url",
accessToken: "your_app_access_token",

Replace your_api_base_url with your API base URL, your_app_access_token with your EnhanceDocs Server access token, and your_project_id with your project ID.


If your_api_base_url is not provided, it will default to the EnhanceDocs managed URL. The access token is not required and should not be provided if you haven't set up one. If you are using the managed EnhanceDocs service, make sure to also provide the projectId.


With these changes, your Docusaurus site will now use the AI-powered search engine provided by EnhanceDocs for your documentation.

Enjoy the benefits of an AI-powered search engine for your Docusaurus documentation site! 🚀🚀

EnhanceDocs Adding to Existing Project

Chat Installation

To add EnhanceDocs Chat to your project, execute the following command:

npm install enhancedocs-chat

Adding the Chat Component

You can use the same SearchBarWrapper src/theme/SearchBar.js to add the Chat component in your Docusaurus site. You can combine the Search and Chat on the same file! 🚀🚀

// src/theme/SearchBar.js

import React from 'react';
import EnhancedChat from 'enhancedocs-chat';

import 'enhancedocs-chat/dist/style.css';

export default function SearchBarWrapper(props) {
return (
apiBaseURL: "your_api_base_url",
accessToken: "your_app_access_token",

// OR combine both!

export default function SearchBarWrapper(props) {
return (
enhancedSearch: {
apiBaseURL: "your_api_base_url",
accessToken: "your_app_access_token",
apiBaseURL: "your_api_base_url",
accessToken: "your_app_access_token",
EnhanceDocs Adding to Existing Project