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Add to an Existing Project

You can integrate EnhanceDocs Search and EnhanceDocs Chat in your project easily.

EnhanceDocs components are an open-source search and chat components ready to use for your React projects.

GitHub NPM Downloads

npm install enhancedocs-search

Add the search where you like in your code! You will need to use the credentials from the previous step.

import EnhancedSearch from 'enhancedocs-search';

import 'enhancedocs-search/dist/style.css';

enhancedSearch: {
projectId: "1234a5678b98126bfdbdc6a6",
accessToken: "pk_a12345b0cd1c5951f810dba47c49261296cd6ed41cfca5cf"

Configure Docusaurus theme to use your own search. See official documentation here.

// src/theme/SearchBar.js

import React from 'react';
import EnhancedSearch from 'enhancedocs-search';

import 'enhancedocs-search/dist/style.css';

export default function SearchBarWrapper(props) {
return (
enhancedSearch: {
projectId: "1234a5678b98126bfdbdc6a6",
accessToken: "pk_a12345b0cd1c5951f810dba47c49261296cd6ed41cfca5cf"

Now you can start using your AI-powered search engine for your documentation 🚀🚀

EnhanceDocs Adding to Existing Project


GitHub NPM Downloads

npm install enhancedocs-chat
import EnhancedChat from 'enhancedocs-chat';

import 'enhancedocs-chat/dist/style.css';

projectId: "1234a5678b98126bfdbdc6a6",
accessToken: "pk_a12345b0cd1c5951f810dba47c49261296cd6ed41cfca5cf"

Docusaurus Example using the Chat

Add the Chat component by extending the Root theme:

// src/theme/Root.js

import EnhancedChat from 'enhancedocs-chat';

import 'enhancedocs-chat/dist/style.css';

// Default implementation, that you can customize
export default function Root({ children }) {
return (
projectId: '1234a5678b98126bfdbdc6a6',
accessToken: 'pk_a12345b0cd1c5951f810dba47c49261296cd6ed41cfca5cf'