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Set up your project

Once you are in the platform, you can create your first project.

When you create a new project we will need just a few information:

  • Project name: You will see all your projects in the dashboard.
  • Docs base url: It is used to auto-generate links on the prompted answer and at the sources links at the bottom of the results.
  • Project description: A short project description to inform the AI towards the scope of answers it should only provide.
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Get the credentials

Once your project is created, you can get your credentials to start using the Enhanced Search!

  • projectId: You can find it on the projects list, next to the project name (e.g.: 1234a5678b98126bfdbdc6a6).
  • accessToken Go to you profile on the top right corner, then click Organization settings. You will find your public and private keys in the API Keys section:
    • Public key: pk_a12345b0cd1c5951f810dba47c49261296cd6ed41cfca5cf
    • Private key: sk_123ab456c7890f3b211ab1a6b0af14e8ea4284c5701ced95

These keys will allow you to authenticate API requests. Learn more about API Keys security